OnBoard™ Teambuilding

Teamwork fuels every successful organization. And building close working alliances between executives and professionals with diverse experiences and skills is essential to achieving world-class results. OnBoard™ Teambuilding accelerates these efforts by transforming groups of executives and professionals into high-performance teams able to master a highly complex and demanding operation—sailing a racing yacht.

Program participants actually set sail with a professional crew who teach the basic skills needed to sail a top-flight yacht and a facilitator from EquiPro who serves as a "Team Observer." Performance goals analogous to business plan targets are set throughout the sail. These are measured based on a comprehensive set of performance data that the racing crew develops for various wind speeds and conditions. The team is benchmarked against predicted performance and constantly challenged to work within a changing environment to meet "plan targets."

Prior to setting sail, the OnBoard™ facilitator interviews executives and professionals to establish their teambuilding goals. The facilitator then observes participants during the excursion and, at various points, leads the group in examining their team behaviors and relating their sailing experiences to their on-the-job relationships and interactions.

The objective of OnBoard™ is not to produce skilled sailors, but rather to create a unified team that can work together effectively under challenging conditions. Specifically, the program enables executive and professional teams to:

Learn team roles and behaviors that can heighten team performance on the job.
Share responsibility for a team's performance.
Become more effective communicators and problem-solvers.
Align as a team with focused strategies for addressing key issues facing their organization.
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